Research Grant Recipients

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2022 Research Recipients

The American Thoracic Society is pleased to announce the grant and award recipients for the 2022 grant cycle. The support of our members, donors, and partners make these awards possible—thank you!

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Partner Grants

The ATS Research Program partners with other nonprofit organizations and pharmaceutical companies to maximize the number of grants we can support. The ATS reviews all grants and assumes all costs associated with administrating the grants.

Aartik Sarma, MD, MAS

Aartik Sarma, MD, MAS
University of California, San Francisco
ATS/CSL Behring Research Award in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - $50,000
Biological effects of mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with ARDS

Alison DeDent, MD, MAS

Alison DeDent, MD, MAS
University of California, San Francisco
ATS Research Award in Interstitial Lung Disease - $50,000
Telehealth Expansion and Access to Interstitial Lung Disease Specialty Care for Rural Populations

*Supported by an independent grant from Boehringer Ingleheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Stephanie LaBedz, MD

Stephanie LaBedz, MD
University of Illinois at Chicago
ALA/ATS/CHEST Foundation Respiratory Health Equity Research Award - $40,000
Determinants of Medication Non-Adherence Among Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

ATS Diversity Grant - $40,000

The ATS is committed to supporting diversity in the next generation of researchers and clinicians. This award recognizes an outstanding young investigator from underrepresented minority groups that has research interests in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.

Marlene Cano, MD, PhD, BS, BA

Marlene Cano, MD, PhD, BS, BA
The Washington University
ATS Diversity Grant
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Early Adverse Outcomes after Lung Transplant

ATS Unrestricted Research Grants - $40,000

The ATS funds unrestricted research grants representing the three pillars of the American Thoracic Society: pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. Awards span basic, clinical, and translational research in adult and pediatric medicine. Applicants consider how their research will provide novel approaches to challenging lung diseases, foster health care equality, and improve patient outcomes.

Syed Saif Hasan, PhD, BSc, MSc

Syed Saif Hasan, PhD, BSc, MSc
University of Maryland Baltimore
ATS Unrestricted Research Grant
Structural Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein

Tristan Kooistra, MD

Tristan Kooistra, MD
Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital
ATS Unrestricted Research Grant
Airway Stem Cell Notch Signaling Regulates Tissue Macrophage Function

Bongani Mthunzi, PhD, BSc

Bongani Mthunzi, PhD, BSc
Columbia University
ATS Unrestricted Research Grant
Developing a Novel Cell-Targeted Therapy for Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury

Nooralam Rai, MD

Nooralam Rai, MD
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
ATS Unrestricted Research Grant
Characterizing the Role of SFRP-1 in Lung Development and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Joselyn Rojas-Quintero, MD, MS

Joselyn Rojas-Quintero, MD, MS
Baylor College of Medicine
ATS Unrestricted Research Grant
Protective effects of metformin against methylation of AT2 cells in emphysema


The 2023-2024 ATS Research Program grant cycle is now open.
Learn more about applying to the program.

The American Thoracic Society improves global health by advancing research, patient care, and public health in pulmonary disease, critical illness, and sleep disorders. Founded in 1905 to combat TB, the ATS has grown to tackle asthma, COPD, lung cancer, sepsis, acute respiratory distress, and sleep apnea, among other diseases.

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